About Me

I like to make stuff—software, electronics, art, and music.

I am studying Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a minor in Art History

In the future, I hope to conduct more research in the areas of programming language design, formal verification, and automated theorem proving.


Diving into Fashion Design with an Engineering Skillset

As a member of my high school’s fashion club, I wanted to design a piece for the annual school fashion show—one of the biggest events on campus!

Units of Measure Compiler Plugin

Type-safe dimensional analysis and unit conversion can be extremely beneficial to a team. From personal experience, using type-safe calculations results in faster development, cleaner code, and higher developer confidence. IDE...

My First Printed Circuit Board

With all this microcontroller programming, I’ve ran into some of the short comings of Arduino. This summer I created my own development board, to better address the needs of teams...

Line Scanner

While my High-Frequency Odometry boards are good, they aren’t perfect. Using drivetrain encoders alone, I couldn’t account for wheel slip. And that’s why I started my Line Scanner project. My...

High-Frequency Odometry Board

Before robots can start following trajectories, robots need to know their cartesian position. In past years, my robotics team’s odometry was consistent, but not accurate. This made trajectory following possible...

USB Control Systems

Since 2017, I’ve lead my robotics team’s Software Workshops. I wanted to get my peers interested in my favorite subject and build a strong robotics software team. In this picture,...

Eagle Scout Service Project

For my Eagle Scout Project, I wanted to build “Coaches’ Boxes” for the Prospect High School volleyball team. These boxes are used to perform drills where the volleyball needs to...